Becoming a volunteer for ReachOut Campaigns Foundation affords you the great opportunity of partaking in this global movement and changing lives around the world from right there where you are. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to network with other stakeholders and volunteers from around the world through virtual and onsite conferences.

Volunteering is easy and fulfilling. There are different categories for you to volunteer in

These volunteers are involved in actively looking out for areas of needs in their communities, planning out how the needs can be met and recommending those needs to the Foundation.

PROJECT EXECUTION: These Volunteers who can also be the Project Scouts work closely with the Foundation in getting the projects done from initiation to finish.
SPONSORSHIP & PARTNERSHIP SCOUTS: These Volunteers are able to talk to other organizations and individuals in their communities to partner with or sponsor the execution of the projects in that community or elsewhere.

RE-INTEGRATION VOLUNTEERS: These Volunteers would help in re-integrating reformed individuals into the community. Through our ReachOut Prisons, we reform and empower individuals in prisons and remand homes to become valuable members of the society. Upon their release, the re-integration Volunteers would work with them, helping them harness acquired skills towards income generation and self-sustenance.

SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS: These volunteers would use their Social Media platforms to publicize the social media pages and activities of the Foundation on a daily basis, thereby directing people to these pages leading to increased awareness, engagement, followership, sign-ups and sponsorships.
Interested in Volunteering?